So about three weeks ago my wife and I switched to an all organic diet, with an emphasis of eating fresh foods. Lately I'm noticing that I am much less tired in the mornings, and I don't get tired in the middle of the day nearly as often either. This is despite the fact that my sleep habits haven't changed, I get 4-5hrs a night.
My daughter, who will be 3 in a month, has always been on an organic diet. It was her health that prompted my wife and I to look into it. She has only ever been sick twice in her life, and the two colds she did get were less severe and had a much shorter duration, than me and my wife's.
We have also been able to switch to organic without increasing our grocery bill (mostly thanks to buying fresh), and I can't wait to see what the benefits are long term. If you are thinking about making the switch, I highly recommend you give it a try. Do a little research and see what you've been eating!