Friday, January 6, 2012

Presidential Politics

I have been a news junkie for ten years now, and presidential politics always gives me a charge. When the race for the presidency rolls around I instantly become even more engrossed than usual. I love to see the dynamic of the candidates, and sometimes incumbents, play out. Doing the research, studying records, evaluating character, and picking my champion has always been enjoyable for me. It's a learning process too, my ideals and understanding evolve with each passing moment.

Over these past ten years, I have grown into a strong Libertarian. For me, this was a natural evolution as I progressed into manhood. The United States of America has provided a framework in which I can be successful, and I have done so by the sweat of my own brow, and with the support of the ones I love. I have watched as others have squandered these same opportunities, and that is their choice. The trend I have noticed however, is moving more towards rewarding the lazy and penalizing the prudent (no matter how much they make or save). It seems we have reached the point where people have learned that they can vote themselves money.

To say that we are in an unsustainable pattern seems obvious to me. The federal government is basically operating under an ad hoc set of rules, the paradigm under which they function shifts as they see fit. The constitution has been trampled, and our government has ceased to be representative of the people.

This has been going on for some time now, and it is accelerating. We have been warned since our country was founded , to beware this type of creeping tyranny. Now we stand on the cusp of losing our identity as Americans.

In short, the only way I see this changing is to get Ron Paul elected somehow. I am not usually an activist, but it is so rare to see a politician so ideologically pure, with the record to back it up, that I feel I must do what I can. For the country that I love, I see it as imperative to bring the American Revolution full circle again. In order to avoid a slow ugly decline, we must return to the first principals, and our identity as Americans.

If you read this and have something to add, agree or disagree, drop me a message or comment and lets discuss. I am under now illusions that one man can do it all, but I think electing Ron Paul is a good first step to putting the USA back on the track to peaceful strength, and prosperity through individual excellence. What do you think?

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